John Edward Hypocrisy Watch
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
From a very hilarous Taranto's Best of the Web Today:
I can assure you that, aside from his Prius-driving pretentious anti-war, anti-globalization (hello, where do you think your precious Chilean fair-trade feta comes from, pinhead?), anti-American moonbats-in-arms in Carrboro, Edwards probably couldn't buy a vote in Orange County.
Wolf Blitzer: What is a "rich person," Senator Edwards?As some of my relatives might say: you might be rich if you can p*ss on folks and they nod and talk about the rain. I am so sorry that this load of LBJ-wannabe is from the South that I don't rightly know what to do.
The Lovely and Talented John Edwards: I don't know if I know what a rich person is.
Reader Bart Harmon offers Edwards a little help:
You might be rich person if . . .
- You pay 400 bucks for a haircut, and that's with the ladies' day discount.
- Your house has more square footage than most Central American counties.
- You leave a larger carbon footprint than the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
- Your last three jobs were medical malpractice attorney, U.S. senator and hedge fund manager.
- You can talk easily about two Americas because you own at least one of them.
- You are paid $55,000 an hour to speak about poverty, and that's your college rate.
I can assure you that, aside from his Prius-driving pretentious anti-war, anti-globalization (hello, where do you think your precious Chilean fair-trade feta comes from, pinhead?), anti-American moonbats-in-arms in Carrboro, Edwards probably couldn't buy a vote in Orange County.
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