Ed Koch Says....
Sunday, June 10, 2007
When I read the Times editorial page on June 6th, I was deeply disappointed. Why? Because on one day, in the same issue, three of the four Times editorials struck me as mean-spirited, lacking balance and just plain dumb.Jeeze, Ed, I used to get that feeling every time I opened that paper.
So I stopped reading it. If I want in ill informed strident context free, and historically inaccurate editorial opinion I just go down to the perma-protest at the Whole Foods and interface with the hippies. Sometimes I can just read their bumper stickers and get my liberal idiocy dose of the day.
Anyway, as they say, read the whole thing - from Snowmobiles in Yellowstone (apparently this is controversial - who knew?) to the relative weight of 18 year old Gitmo-ites versus the plot to blow up JFK.
I am sooooo glad I don't live in NYC. Even the prospect of meeting Nora Ephrom wouldn't balance out the pain.
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